
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Once again, my mother is right!

Lately I have really been convicted of my ungrateful heart and always complaining attitude. I say that I know I have everything I need and most of everything I want too. I can easily sing things about Christ being "more than enough", but do I always mean it? No. 

It's summer vacation for me (!!) now. But my last week of school and ever since, the weather has not acted summer-ish. It's been cold, cloudy and often rainy. Instead of enjoying some days of chilly weather right before the hot summer I know is coming begins, I complain. I wished that it was prettier so I could go to the beach during my last days in southern California. I wanted be able to tan every day when I first got home. Instead, God's had other plans for the weather. And we are called to rejoice and be thankful in every circumstance. Have I been doing that? Not really.

I didn't really see this as a problem, or as sin. I just knew what I wanted (sunny, gorgeous weather), saw that I didn't have it, and whined. Then yesterday I saw my mom's facebook status. It said, "I have not lost my home to earthquakes, a tsunami, a tornado, or flooding. So I will NOT whine about a few days of clouds and patchy drizzle...." Ouch. Even from 3,000 miles away she has reminded me of important truth. I am so blessed to have a home and have all of my belongings safe and dry. Not everyone has that right now. Nightly I read the news on my handy fox news app, and have seen article after article on the devastation in places like Mississippi. I haven't been faithful to pray for those people suffering, or even really been interested enough to care. Instead, I'd whined about not getting to sunbathe? It's so selfish.

I am so grateful for my mom who posted that and reminded so man people to not focus on and complain about our slightly disappointing circumstances when other have it so much worse.

Thanks Mom! :)

1 comment:

  1. Laurie, We can worship or whine....That is the only choice! May you and I be women who worship! Loved the post!
