
Wednesday, November 23, 2011


"Enter His gates with thanksgiving
And His courts with praise,
Give thanks to Him, bless His name.
For the Lord is good;
His lovingkindness is everlasting
And His faithfulness to all generations."
Psalm 100:4-5

With Thanksgiving rapidly approaching, I have seen many facebook/blog posts about thankfulness and things that people are thankful for. I love it! I decided to follow suit, not for the purpose of following the crowd, but to (semi-)publicly praise God for the wonderful things He has given me.

First I wanted to look at the Psalm at the top of this post. We are to enter into the presence of God with thanksgiving and praise, blessing His name. Why are we thankful to Him? Look at the latter half of the passage - we're thankful to Him for His goodness and His everlasting lovingkindness (mercy) and faithfulness. (Side note: as I write this, I am listening to How Great Thou Art. It's cool writing about His goodness, lovingkindness, and faithfulness-just three reasons He is so great-while listening to this hymn!) This shows me something else important - because we are thankful for who He is, we can be thankful in any circumstance. His goodness, lovingkindness, and faithfulness are always there, never changing. Even when He is refining us through the fire, we can be thankful, because He is good, merciful, and faithful. He is such an awesome God!

Here is a list of some things I'm thankful for
(this is NOT exhaustive):
1. The fact that I am saved from my sin - though my sin is still present, it no longer has power over me
2. My awesome church families (plural because I kind of live in 3 places; therefore, 3 churches)
3. My family (immediate and extended)- as confusing as it can be to outsiders, I love it!
5. Laughter
6. Being at The Master's College
7. Studying Teacher Education - my classes have taught me SO much
8. Foundation, my college group- awesome teaching and faithful leaders
9. Sweaters, argyle socks, and scarves (can you guess what I'm wearing today?)
10. Being home for 5 nights for Thanksgiving
11. Service opportunities at church
12. My awana kids - they make me laugh and melt my heart
13. The opportunity to meet with Meredith weekly and the friendship that has come from it
14. My wing - full of loud, crazy, fun, and God-loving ladies
15. Spinach (never thought I'd say that)
16. Friends - especially those that include fellowship and fun
17. Red Velvet - cake, cupcakes, cake pops, anything
18. Being able to do laundry free at home
19. The Word of God - it truly is "a lamp to my feet (for guidance for each step I take) and a light to my path (giving me an overall picture of God's plan and the goal of it-His glory)" Psalm 119:105
20. Hymns and other music that is focused on God and on truth
21. Growing up
22. A roof over my head and food in my belly
23. Homemade white bean chili (one of those foods that makes me question why I chose a school that I would have to leave home and eat in a caf....okay not really, but I do enjoy it)
24. My small group on my wing (here's why I love it)
25. Nail polish
26. Pretty things - I have learned a lot about the value of appreciating beauty this semester
27. Banjos, ukuleles, guitars, mandolins - love listening to them
28.  Victory over sins in my life and help from the Holy Spirit
29. So many good memories
30. Good food tomorrow. Favorite T-day foods: biscuits and green been casserole!
31. The sibs - 3 sisters and 1 brother - my best friends and the funniest/funnest people I've ever met
32. Swap meets and swap meet finds
33. Early mornings before other people wake up - such a peaceful time of day that I don't see enough
34. The Valley of Vision
35. Fun
36. Taste buds. They are some of my best buds, that's for sure.
37. Seeing pictures of the snow in Maine (I think I get the better end of the deal...I see the beauty but I don't a) have to shovel the driveway, decks, or roof, b) have toes that I can't feel, c) have a frozen and runny nose...okay none of those are that bad. I'm trying to convince myself that I don't want to be there right now)
38. Things that smell good
39. Things that make me smell good

I could say so many more things that I am thankful for. Because everything that is given to me is good! Even the trials that come are good for me, because I do grow from them and afterward I always see how it is actually better that I went through them than it would have been if I didn't. I do want to clarify something though. More important than the things I am thankful for is the One I am thankful to. James 1:17 - Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow. Every good thing in my life comes from my heavenly Father. He is so good.

Monday, November 21, 2011

A Couple Thoughts as of Late

God has been doing so much in my life lately. In almost every area of my life, He has pulled me and stretched me and taught me valuable things. But there are a couple things in particular that have been consistently on my mind.
  • I love hearing what God has done in people's lives. I love when people tell of a way He has provided for, helped, answered prayer, reassured, saved, sanctified, taught, etc. them or someone they know. It's such an encouragement. These stories are almost always followed by an amazing truth: "God is so good." I love it. But sometimes I think, do we say that in the midst of trials? When we do not see an end of our/someone else's suffering? When God is closing a door we do not want closed? When someone or something is taken away from us? When sin is prevalent in the life of someone we deeply care about? When He says "no" or "wait" to a prayer that we expect a positive answer to? I have been convicted of this lately in my own life. It's like the phrase goes, "God is good all the time; all the time, God is good." It just seems like often people only say that when He is giving them what they want. He has given us life, salvation, forgiveness, the ability to be reconciled to Him, the ability to be seen as righteous in His sight, and provides for our needs, on top of so many things. That alone shows His goodness. He is good, even when our circumstances aren't.
  • On a completely separate note, it's often hard to trust that God will provide for our needs. Do I trust Him as my provider? To say that I never fail in that area would be a (big) lie. I struggle to have faith that He will provide everything I need sometimes. Which shows that often my theology is in the "quite messed up" department. I know God will provide for every need. Sometimes I have trouble trusting in the details or in the "how" of His provision. But deep down, I really do know He will provide. Why? Because He promises to do it. He always keeps His word. If He promised to do it, He will. But as I was talking with a friend the other night, I had a realization. God will keep His word, so if He promises to provide, I can rest assured that He will. But it's more than just a promise - it's who He is. One of His names is Jehovah Jireh (the Lord provides). God does not just provide because He promised to do so. He provides because it's who He is. That just really encouraged me. (I had similar thoughts along these lines several months ago; if you want to read my post it's here.)
I could say so much more about what I've learned. But this is what I wanted to/had time to share tonight. Hopefully I'll have more time to write posts over Thanksgiving break (I leave for home TOMORROW). Enjoy your week, friends!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Small Groups

This semester, I have been reminded of one of the best parts about being here at TMC - small groups. My freshman year I was part of one and it was seriously one of the biggest blessings in my life. Last year, unfortunately, since I was so busy with classes (in the fall I had 7, in the spring, 6) at all hours of the day, 6 days a week, I was unable to participate. Even though there were two, on different days, neither semester it worked out for me to be a part of one. So, I was extremely excited to be able to join one this year.

Let me tell you...I so look forward to that time every Tuesday. Though our group is bigger than one I've been in here (10 people total, I believe), it is still small enough for everyone to be open. Or, maybe it's the fact that our wing is very open in general. Either way, we are all comfortable enough to tell things that we normally wouldn't tell so many at once. The girls are such a sweet encouragement, always.

For the last two weeks, we've begun with singing. It's awesome to sing together as a group of friends/sisters in Christ. And, it's cool to see people using their talents you did not even know they had (e.g. Bree playing guitar..never would have known otherwise). Then we share what God has been teaching us the past week, either through classes or chapel or personal time in the word or through whatever other venue He uses (and man, does He use many different kinds). After that, we dive into the Word - we are studying the "I am" statements Jesus made in John. It is so cool to see what He proclaims Himself to be, and how it was shown in the context, and how it is shown today (because He never changes).  After this, we share prayer requests or anything else on our minds. We then close in prayer, and the last couple weeks we have also gone to dinner together afterward.

Some benefits/blessings that come from small groups I've come to appreciate over the years:

  • Getting to know people you would not necessarily know otherwise
  • Getting to know people on a deeper level...
  • ...which leads to deeper relationships
  • Investing in others, who are also investing in you
  • Having time set aside for conversations of eternal value
  • Accountability
  • Related to that, having people who will ask you about your walk with the Lord, consistency in devotions, prayer requests, struggles, etc.
  • People being real. Sometimes, in passing, it's hard to be genuine. But small group is a safe place to talk about your problems and get advice from others who love the Lord and will encourage you to walk uprightly before Him
  • More time studying the Word. Time in the Word with other girls. (Plus, now I'm studying Isaiah and reading Joshua for's nice to be studying in the New Testament too.)
  • Talking about my own struggles and sins (and having others relating to the same things) and how the Lord has worked through them with me and given me victory
  • Sometimes, we have some girl time thrown in there. There are conversations we just need to have sometimes. It's good to have a time to talk with several girls, to share in one another's joys and sorrows
There is so much more I could say. I love my small group. Though at times I'm sure we're loud enough for all of Cdub to hear, it is such a sweet time of encouragement and conviction. If at all possible, I would encourage every Christian to be a part of a small group. In my opinion, it's worth any sacrifice you can make (reasonably...I wouldn't say drop a class you need for your major, for example) to be a part of one. The blessings are immense, and the rewards are eternal.