
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Just Listen

Well, I have realized that much of this blog has been about my walk with the Lord/general things that I have learned. But that was not the purpose of this blog- it was to write about what I've been learning about God's intention for women. I think that that I will still write about that sometimes, but I think that much of the Christian life is mortifying sins and humbling ourselves and trusting the Lord-things that apply to both men and women. So I still want to write about that stuff too. But something has been on my mind lately that applies to women especially (but really to everyone).

As a girl, I know exactly how easy it is to talk-and talk, and talk, and talk. We talk about friends, boys, clothes, school, families, life, goals, jobs, experiences, dreams, emotions, regrets, theology, and the list goes on and on. We are all avid talkers, talented at sharing what we're thinking and feeling. But how good are we at listening? I don't just mean in a conversation where we're going back and forth with a friend, interjecting our thoughts when we consider it necessary. I mean the kind of listening where, while another person is talking, all we do is hear them and  think about what they are saying. We need to not sit there and plan our response, but give them our full attention, and think of a response after they have finished speaking. And, we need to recognize that we don't always need to give our input. Sometimes when people need to talk, they just need someone to listen. They don't need our advice or opinions.

Another thing- we need to listen to wisdom. When talking with parents/people older and more wise than us, rather than thinking that they are out of touch or weird, we can listen to what they have to say. Proverbs 22:17 says, "Incline your ear and hear the words of the wise..." Often, older people have amazing advice. If we would just sit down and listen to them, we could glean their insight into particular situations.

I'm not saying that I've perfected either of these things-I haven't. But I know I need to work on them, and I'm probably not alone.

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