
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Pain and Suffering

Those words composing the title of this post have been a theme in my blog this school year, mainly last semester. It's been a rough school year, but God has used my pain (remember: He doesn't waste pain) to teach me so much. Once again, I'm writing with a heavy heart. Over the weekend (which was great, otherwise) I received some awful news. Someone who was very special to my little sister was in a car accident and he didn't make it. I'd never met him, so this post isn't about me and my pain, but about her.

My heart aches for my little sister, whom I love so much and want to protect from anything even slightly painful. I've struggled a little bit, wishing I could shield her from heartache like this, but also knowing that God had ordained both the moment Clark was born and also the moment he would die and He doesn't make mistakes. I struggle to find the balance between wanting my sister to never feel any pain and knowing that pain is something God uses to draw us closer to Him and show us how much we need Him. Everyone needs to be reminded of those things, and pain is a tool He uses for that end. So I know He will use her pain to grow her, but I still hate the thought of her hurting. Especially because we currently like 3000 miles away from each other and I can't even give her a hug.

If you think of her, please be praying for her as she faces tough days ahead. Also, pray for the Noonan family, who are mourning the loss of their 20-year-old son and brother. Thanks friends.

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